On Blogs

The difficulty with blogging as a promotional tool for illustrators is that when things are busy there is seldom time to think about updating a blog. As things begin to slow down most of the work that has been keeping you busy isn't yet published so can't be shared, and as it becomes available to share you're (hopefully) back into a busy period.

That, along with taking time out to plan a wedding and get married, has been my life for the last little while. I've just updated my main portfolio with a few pieces for WIRED, and the Children's book section with illustrations from Who Are Serena and Venus Williams.

I'm currently busy working up interior illustrations for a biography of Pelé for Penguin Random House, and I've been making plans on how to build my local creative community through Drink and Draw (see previous blog post) and other activities.

I've also been using an iPad Pro and Astropad for the last little while, heres a drawing of a character from Destiny I did to practice with the iPad. I find it so much easier to work digitally with colour when I'm drawing 'directly' onto the image.

I am still alive, I am still here covered in ink. Keep an eye on what I'm up to ever so slightly more frequently on my Instagram:

Drink & Draw - and a Call to Action

Really excited to be announcing a collaboration with a local venue, The Boileroom in Guildford. 

We will be running a monthly Drink and Draw session! Hopefully these sessions will be a positive, and inspiring place to meet with other members of the local creative scene. Share ideas, share techniques and industry tips and, of course, share a drink or three.

The first session will be Monday 6th of Feb 2107,  6:30pm and from then on we'll be aiming for the first Monday of each month - or as close to it as the venues schedule will allow. It will be FREE entry, but we'll be taking donations which will fund future drawing events, things like: life drawing, artist tutorials, drawing trips, and more.

Keep an eye of THE BOILEROOM and my TWITTER for the most up to date information. Guildford creatives, of all sorts, I hope to see you there!

Now, this may not seem relevant to some readers of this blog (specifically those based outside of Guildford.) BUT of late, there are huge parts of the world that seem darker, scarier, and more threatening, and I think events like this are a direct response to those changes.

I want to extend a challenge, a call to action: start a group, join a group, spread your passion, meet people, create good things. In response to the threat of a darker world, make YOUR world a little brighter. It may seem like a small resistance in the 'grand scheme' of things, but many small good things can easily outweigh the bad. You never know who you might help, or how you might help them.

Illustrated Experiment - WIRED

Hello and welcome to my new portfolio website!

This site and blog are both a lot, lot easier to update than my previous set up. So, ideally this blog will stay as fresh and interesting as my day to day life. 

I've moved over the last few posts from my old blog, which can still be reached HERE if you fancy it.


WIRED magazine asked me to draw up a comic page for their ‘illustrated experiment’ segment for the April Issue.

The second time working with WIRED was as pleasant as the first, and i’m pleased with the results. Plus it’s always nice to be able to walk into the local newsagents and grab a magazine with something you’ve drawn in it. With clients all around the world, it’s not every day that you find your work on your doorstep.